The spiritual Message of German Fairy tales

Fairy Tales News

New fairy tale interpretation translated: “The Goose-Girl and Falada”


Happy New Year! On today's holiday, we would like to present the fairy tale “The Goose-Girl and Falada” on the subject of geese and wholeness and take a deeper look at the diverse symbolism. May we use it to recognize where selfish paths lead us and how we should serve wholeness, unity in diversity and diversity in unity. We wish you much inspiration and patience while reading… ❤️

New fairy tale interpretation translated: “The Golden Goose”


We want to continue on the way to wholeness in the goose row with the fairy tale “The Golden Goose”. We wish you a peaceful start to the Christmas Advent season!

New fairy tale interpretation translated: “The Goose-Girl at the Well”


It continues with the geese and how they should be looked after in nature in order to become a reasonable human being. We wish you much leisure and inspiration to read and meditate in a harmonious world full of light and love with the “The Goose-Girl at the Well”.

New fairy tale interpretation translated: “The Fox and the Geese”


The fox as a symbol of the mind and the goose as a symbol of wholeness play the main roles in the short fairy tale “The Fox and the Geese”. We hope you enjoy our interpretation...

New fairy tale translated: “Death and the Goose Herder”


After the swans, we now want to turn to the geese and the wholeness. For this we have interpreted a relatively short fairy tale: “Death and the Goose Herder” We hope you find it inspiring reading!

New fairy tale translated: “The poor Girl and the Star-Money”


Long live the pure soul of nature, the Great Mother! To this end, we would like to look at a fairy tale that has touched many hearts: “The poor Girl and the Star-Money” And in this crazy world that is so insatiably hungry for external wealth, we want to address the big question: Do we perhaps have a completely wrong idea of “wealth”?

New fairy tale interpretation translated: “The Six Swans”


We continue with the swans, and the royal one now becomes “The Six Swans”. We wish you lots of inspiration!

New fairy tale interpretation translated: “Swan Prince”


We would now like to continue the theme from the last fairy tale of the “Drummer” and turn to swans, especially the royal ones. 🦢 We will start with “Swan Prince” and wish you an open mind and lots of inspiration!

New fairy tale interpretation translated: “The Drummer”


Can we free ourselves from the dense forest of our imagination? We have interpreted the fairy tale “The Drummer” by the Brothers Grimm on these topics.

New fairy tale interpretation translated: “Hans Stupid”


Does the power of desire still exist today? We have interpreted the fairy tale “Hans Stupid” by the Brothers Grimm on these topics. We wish you an inspiring day of the Father or Spirit in commemoration of Christ's Ascension! 🙏

New fairy tale interpretation translated: “The Okerlo”


“Bean, are you there?” Yes, we are still here. And so we would now like to venture and present another fairy tale interpretation about the Okerlo world of the ego people. OM

New fairy tale interpretation translated: “Origin of Stories”


Should this be our future now? Do people have to accept that they can no longer survive without artificial chemistry and technology? And anyone who still wants to live without vaccinations or a cell phone should no longer belong to this society? Because these are the modern heretics who still believe in the power and intelligence of nature or even in God and want to trust an inner spiritual voice instead of the loud advertising and propaganda of the media. Does the spiritual world no longer exist? Is there only this material world, so that we can only solve all problems on a material level with chemistry and technology and do not have to think about spiritual causes at all? On this subject we would like to present an old story of the Seneca Indians, namely the “Origin of Stories”. We have interpreted and translated more than fifty fairy tales and presented them on this website. Now we think, it is time for a creative break. God help us that a better spirit will awaken in this world and that we will soon hear each other again with renewed strength. Until then, all the best! 🙏

“Rat King Birlibi” and “Emperor's new clothes”


Beginning of spring! Oh mankind, awaken! Your consciousness becomes narrower and narrower, reduced to primitive black and white thinking of pros and cons, mine and yours. This increasing selfishness will plunge us into ever more terrible wars until we lose everything. May you wake up from this madness! May your consciousness rise again, like the spring sun! We are dedicating our two new translations of the fairy tale interpretations of “The Emperor's New Clothes” and “The Rat King Birlibi” to this wish. 🙏 ☀️ 🙏

New fairy tale interpretation translated


The birth of light has always been celebrated in various traditions in the darkest time of the year. We too wish you and us all the best for the New Year, especially spiritual health, and that the light in the form of reason, inner peace, respect and true love shines brighter again. Today we are publishing a fairy tale interpretation that deals in detail with the soul on the basis of the wanderings of a little “Thumbling”. May the seed sprout!

New fairy tale interpretations translated


Hello dear fairy tale friends! It goes on. We have translated two more of our interpretations of German fairy tales into English: “The Seven Swabians” and “The Pea Trial (The Princess and the Pea)” And more will follow. We hope you enjoy reading...

New fairy tale interpretations translated


Hello dear fairy tale friends! It goes on. We have translated new interpretations of German fairy tales from "The Seven Ravens" to "Spirit in the Bottle" into English. And more will follow. We hope you enjoy reading...

New fairy tale interpretations translated


Hello dear fairy tale friends! It goes on. We have translated a new interpretation of the fairy tale about “The Twelve Brothers” into English. And more will follow. We hope you enjoy reading...

New fairy tale interpretations published


Fairy tales are wonderful! We have published further spiritual interpretations from our book “The Message of German Fairy tales” on this website. With best wishes...

New fairy tale interpretations


It is always amazing how masterfully our old German fairy tales play with the symbolism and how much spiritual depth can be found in it. Our 'enthusiasm' did not diminish, and so we have ventured on six more interpretations, from the “Our Lady's Child” to the “Golden Bird”. With best wishes...

English book available


Hooray, it's done! Our English storybook with many interpretations is finally finished after lots of work. We thank all those who helped us with the English translation and correction. For hints and further corrections, we are always grateful. Fly to the world, little book!

New Fairy Tales


And then another pleasing news: Three new fairy tales were interpreted by us and published here, namely “Hans in Luck”, “Godfather Death” and “One-Eye, Two-Eyes and Three-Eyes”. We wish you a lot of fun and inspiration while reading ...

The Birth of this Internet Site


Congratulations! Today, this Internet site was born and has, so to speak, seen the light of day. We wish the little baby all the best and a blessed growth! May it prosper for the good of all!